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New Road, Chingford, Waltham Forest



A new development in the London Borough of Waltham Forest which will form part of a wider masterplan including the adjacent Larkswood leisure development. The scheme will provide 72 apartments, within 2 blocks, 5 to 7 storeys high, with a mix of tenures including affordable rent, shared ownership and private sale.

Located at the north east corner of the wider masterplan the scheme is carefully designed to respond to both existing and emerging context. The L shaped footprint is set back from the tree line and is thoughtfully designed to create a strong active frontage to New Road. This elevation has been carefully considered to form a subdued classical appearance. The balconies are inset to further minimise visual impact whilst also providing generous amenity space for the residents.

The proposed building is set back from all boundaries, with a sensitive landscaped buffer to the east and south edges, bordering the existing woodland and proposed local green space.

A Detailed Planning Application was submitted in September 2022. Saunders are appointed to take the project from initial concept/masterplan, through planning and onto delivery of the consented scheme.

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