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EV Charging Hub, Newcastle


Applegreen Electric/Godwin Developments

Saunders were appointed to develop a scheme at Holystone in Newcastle as part of an ambitious EV Charging Hubs development programme. We were initially appointed by Applegreen Electric to prepare feasibility site layouts for a number of potential UK development sites. Newcastle is the first to be developed in detail to planning.

The proposed development includes 37 EV charging bays, with 16 additional parking spaces and cycle parking. A facilities building includes coffee drive-thru with internal and external seating as well as a small convenience provision and WCs. The bespoke building has been designed to promote sustainability through its environmental features, biodiversity and energy generation. The contemporary design uses natural materials, incorporates PV panels and a green roof. It includes a predominantly glazed frontage providing natural light and offering views over the landscaped plaza.

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